New Beginnings


“I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.”- William Blake

This blog has been a long time coming.

Like a vast majority of people in their early twenties, I genuinly struggled for a  period of time when it came to choosing what I wanted to do with my life and who I wanted to be. Paramedic,actor, musician, art teacher, designer, graphic artist…. you name it, at one point or another I wanted to be it.  I remember being so anxious and worried about what I would say when someone questioned my future plans, because I genuinely didn’t know.

Then I got my hands on a camera.

It fit. Awkwardly at first… and I didn’t fully understand it’s potential but I fell in love. Suddenly this world opened up where fairy tales could come to life. Where my love for fashion, crafting, creating, and dreaming (and a little bit of disney) fit and this path had no end. The options were endless, the future bright, and it challenged me in a way that truly motivated me to push myself farther than I ever thought I could go. It’s more than photography to me. It’s a part of who I am and how I express myself. It’s a way I get to show the world the way I see it. It’s the way I get to preserve the innocent and fleeting moments of childhood as I watch my children grow. It’s a gift to myself… and one I have the honor of sharing with others.

I’m mother of two very young children, wife to a hard working husband, and owner of a budding business. I have so much I’ve learned, so much I long to share, and so many more things I am dreaming to do and accomplish. So cheers to new beginnings. I can’t wait to share my life, creations, and my thoughts with you .

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