The Power of the word NO

IMG_3217.jpgI’m going to try not to write from a mommy standpoint for a second… Because truthfully with my two year old I hear and say “NO” more times in a day than I could possibly count.


It gets on my nerves.


So, instead of focusing on that fiasco… lets reminisce  on  our own childhoods for a second.

I want you to try to think about all the times that you were told “No”. (And it was usually followed by the infamous “because I said so”)

For me the specific times are hazy, I mainly remember the times where I was told no… And didn’t listen… And quickly realized why it wasn’t something I was supposed to do or have. Generally speaking however, it usually leaves quite a bitter/disappointing after-taste doesn’t it?


Now switch roles.


I want you to try to remember the time you told someone (or something) no. Most of the time, you get a slight sense of empowerment and strength. Whether it was saying no to that extra slice of pizza, or someone who crossed a line… No can be a pretty wonderful word.




Because it creates a boundary. It lays down a line… it asks for respect. One of the most powerful things that I learned in the past few years of being in business was learning to say no. It’s easy to say yes.

Take an extra job even though you’re already behind. Sure!

Take that client you know you shouldn’t because it would be easier than offending them. Ok!

Give in to bullying behavior just because THEY haven’t heard no enough in their life… (You know exactly the type of person I’m talking about…)


Yes… yes can be far easier. It’s more challenging to know and find your worth. To value yourself and your boundaries. To believe and know you are worth respecting. So, if there is one thing as a business owner, mom, and just person in general you need to learn is to how to say… and accept… the word no.


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